
Marius Olivier joins XDSL as head of commercial.

The Internet service provider appoints ex-Telkom senior manager Marius Olivier as head of commercial as it increases enterprise focus.

M-Net indicated, in a recent advertisement, that only black, Indian and coloured candidates may apply for a paid internship programme.

Trade union Solidarity accuses pay-TV channel M-Net of discriminating unfairly against white people.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk believes that within three years, cars will be able to autonomously drive motorists from driveway to work.

City planners and governments need to prepare for the introduction of self-driving cars, with some smart mobility cities already making plans.

Durex hopes one million users will let their voices be heard as part of the official submission to Unicode for the creation of a safe sex emoji.

The company calls on people to use #CondomEmoji to encourage Unicode to create a safe sex emoji.

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