On the cover

We haven`t seen the IT industry quite so buoyed since the ill-fated boom of the nineties. Are these the tender mercies we`ve been waiting for all this time?
How big a cheque is government going to hand ICT under the banner of its Accelerated and Shared Growth Initiative? We don`t know yet, but it can`t hurt to add our voice to the lobby
While analysts predict a worldwide upturn, whether or not 2006 will in fact show an increase or decrease remains to be seen. iWeek speaks to CIOs and analysts about the shopping lists that will shape the year`s buying
Local healthcare industry spending trends mirror international ones, as local leaders relate stories of cost optimisation. But there`s a challenge in it for IT suppliers
MOBILE EMPIRES SEEK GROWTH While MTN is land-grabbing all over Africa, Vodacom is betting on growing subscriber numbers and mobile data ventures and Cell C enlists the help of Sir Richard Branson. We weigh the growth strategies and tech moves of the local mobile giants to ward off competition and speculate how it will all play out this year.

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