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The final say It`s been a very special week indeed, with things getting a little wet in the Americas and a little warmer back home with the , and Copasa dispute threatening to reach boiling point. While Copasa is breaking a sweat, toyi-toying about how Cell C is taking food out of the mouths of babes, Cell C is totally unmoved about the issue, maintaining it has done nothing outside of its licence obligations.

In my opinion, and mind you I am not one to point fingers at anyone`s licence obligations, Cell C should really review its definition of `underserviced`. Let`s be honest now. How many of the Porsche-, ML- or X5-driving, pink tie-wearing, gym fanatics working in Sandton need a subsidised payphone?

Understandably there is the `real` working class, which uses payphones to make calls. The association depends on those people to make a living, but Cell C? There is nothing that indicates that there is a dire need for cash flow....or is there?

And to end on a far more positive note (depending on which side your bread is buttered), "President `s approval rating has sunk to an all time low of 45%", according to a Washington newspaper. It`s not all distressing news.

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