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As noted on the site, the current issue and the two before it are open only to subscribers. All those before it are free. This gives readers a whole new channel, including the option to read iWeek almost anywhere, at any time, and to search, store and send articles of interest to them. It was a no-brainer, but we feel good about it anyhow.

A recurring theme this week is the business value of IT. A research firm notes the increasing frustration of CEOs with IT`s inability to prove its strategic value to the business. This complaint is discussed extensively in several other articles.

The viewpoint article by tchen, former global CIO at PricewaterhouseCoopers, puts the responsibility for finding value in the hands of management. He likens the role of corporate management to the hairy but rewarding job of animal trainer (IT being the animal). The analogy is perfect.

Forrester Research talks about CIOs` trials and tribulations in scrounging budget out of management. To measure the amount of IT spend needed to create value, Forrester has devised a `quadrant` of its own, which pins an organisation`s need for IT (due to business complexity) on one axis, and IT`s value to the business on the other. Turn to page 11.

And if you`re after examples of the sorts of IT strategies and tools that deliver competitiveness, visit the Infobits section (look for the McKinsey article), and read the knowledge management article (page 31).

The week`s cover story, by Amanda Vermeulen, tells a story of increasing investment in IT companies. On the one hand, near-finality of the ICT Charter has inspired certainty about equity parameters in investors and their targets. On the other, the outlook for IT companies is better than it has been in five years. Which is very nice news indeed!

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