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A US MAN was blocked from Xbox Live for entering the name of the town he lives in - Fort Gay. It was considered offensive language, despite the man`s insistence that it is a real town. After clearing up the misunderstanding, the suspension has been revoked, says My Way News.

PEDESTRIAN DEATHS in New South Wales, Australia, have risen 25% from 44 deaths to 53. Part of the problem is being blamed on listening devices such as iPods, which render pedestrians unable to hear sirens or car horns, reports The Register.

ACCORDING TO a study by researchers from New York`s University of Rochester, first-person shooter games improve sensitivity and use of sensory evidence, reports Reuters. The study involved testing 26 people aged 18 to 25, none of whom had played shooting games before, for a period of six months. Half the participants played shooting games and the other half played strategy games. The shooting game group were found to be 25% better at making decisions faster and more accurately.

A YAHOO ENGINEER has calculated pi`s two quadrillionth bit, says The Register. Using open source platform Hadoop, Tsz Wo Sze has discovered that when in binary, pi`s two quadrillionth bit is 0. The calculation took 23 days, and Sze has set a new world record.

THE BBC accidentally altered exiting CEO`s name, reports The Register. By adding an A to the end of Ansi Vanjoki`s name, the ex-chief`s name resembled that of the company. The error has since been corrected.

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