ITWEB LTD has secured Kevin Mitnick on a speaking engagement at the ITWeb Security Summit 2006 in March next year. ITWEB LTD has secured on a speaking engagement at the ITWeb Security Summit 2006 in March next year. This has enormous significance, not just for us, and not just because it`s Kevin Mitnick (though that has something to do with it).

It is because IT involves everyone. It is a necessary purchase, one that is getting more vital by the minute, and is addressed every day in countless ways by legislators, vendors, analysts, hackers and enterprise.

It is rife with misunderstanding, vested interests and intense scrutiny by politicians and people you don`t want to know, operating in realms best left out of the mainstream.

In response to this great content opportunity, iWeek will publish ongoing security-related content in the months leading up to the event. We trust you`ll find it useful.

In other news, I stumbled across the makers of `s PVR decoder, likewise an object of considerable interest to a lot of people, as it potentially converges areas of technology until now not really possible on local shores (broadband, IT and TV). The announcement of the PVR is otherwise exciting because it propels a proudly local manufacturer (UEC, an company) into global R&D halls of fame. And the person overseeing UEC is pretty interesting himself.

But the intriguing event of the week involves the possible sale of , as alluded to in a cautionary by this much-admired company. The analysts cannot agree whether BCX is over- or undervalued, but we take a stab at guessing what might be behind developments.

I`d like to draw special attention to Paul Vecchiatto`s column on `s interims, republished from ITWeb on page 20. In case you haven`t seen it, I would turn to that page first.

We apologise for the previous issue being a day or two late due to a printing delay, and hope it hasn`t caused much inconvenience.

Tags: Editors  Letter