Reverse Innovation

Virjay Govindarajan and Chris Trimble guide the reader through the concept of reverse innovation. This is where companies develop products for emerging markets first, instead of scaling down first-world products. Emerging markets, say the authors, will transform the global economy.

Published by: Harvard Business School Press

Insanely Simple

According to Ken Segall, simplicity is more than a design principle at Apple – it’s a value that permeates the organisation. In his book, Segall discusses his time as an ad agency creative director, and his role in campaigns such as “Think different”.

Published by: Portfolio

Taming the Big Data Tidal Wave

While there has been a lot of hype over the past few years, the reality is that we are in a transformative era in terms of analytic capabilities and the leveraging of massive amounts of data. Bill Franks’ book tells readers what they need to know to tame big data and start generating analytics.

Published by: Wiley