The Internet of Things in the Cloud: A Middleware Perspective

Honbo Zhou provides a comprehensive introduction to the Internet of Things (IoT) and its development worldwide. The Internet of Things in the Cloud: A Middleware Perspective gives users a panoramic view of the IoT landscape, focusing on the  overall technological architecture and design of a tentatively unified IoT framework underpinned by cloud computing from a middleware perspective.

Published by: Crc Press

Beginning Object Oriented Programming with C#

Jack J Purdum introduces beginners to object-oriented programming using C# to demonstrate the core constructs of this programming framework. Using real-world situations, users will discover how to create, test and deliver their programs and how to work with classes, arrays, collections, and all the elements of object-oriented programming.

Published by: John Wiley & Sons

The Digital Rights Movement

Hector Postigo shows that what began as an assertion of consumer rights to digital content has become something broader: a movement concerned not just with consumers and gadgets, but with cultural ownership. Postigo presents case studies of resistance to increased control over digital media, describing a host of tactics that range from hacking to lobbying.

Published by: MIT Press