Everything you`ve always (or never) wanted to know about your day MARCH 6, 2006: On the face of it, there wasn`t much to it. I came in, the usual crisis presented itself, it was more or less resolved by 1pm, shortly before the next one came along, and in-between I was able to do some work. Halfway through it all I wished I could be home playing with the children, as by then I felt that my life is passing me by, but I knew that five minutes at that noise level would make me want to be back at work again.

Meanwhile, I had to write an article for this section, and what better way (to find ready-packaged knowledge) than to go to one of the most notorious trivia sites out? So off I went to Refdesk.com, which appears to focus on one day at a time. And trivia or not, who`d have thought the day could be quite as auspicious as Refdesk made it sound?

Right at the top, there`s a site of the day (SOTD), with the idea being that if it grabs you, you can bookmark it. If you`re me, you don`t really go to many sites more than once. I, for instance, frequent ITWeb.co.za, iWeek.co.za, Google.com and possibly one special interest site, on a really slow day. But I really can`t remember when last I looked at Litnet.co.za. Oh well, there`s always December. For a shortcut to past SOTDs, go to refdesk.com/sotd-arch.html.

Directly below that is a thought of the day. This sucks badly, but if you`re one to take your guidance from out-of-context pearls of wisdom from famous people, it is for you. A section called `this day in history` follows beneath that. If you`re not happy with Refdesk`s chosen day, it gives a number of other sites that offer the same, as well as, of course, an archive.

It gets more interesting below. If you`re visually inclined, the list of images of the day will float your boat. Choice among them are Google Maps, National Geographic, Space.com and even a webcam index.

Then there is the obligatory word of the day, from a ton of sources, if one isn`t enough or you`re a discerning customer, and a section called Today`s Birthday. On March 6, 2006, Gabriel Garcia Marquez was born, or so the site will have us know. Strange that on your busiest day you can spend half an hour on useless trivia, and still benefit.

Tags: Technology  Knowledge