Cerebra does its bit to get SA`s big corporates investing in social media

IN THE MARVEL COMICS universe, the Cerebro (Spanish and Portuguese for "brain") is a device that the X-Men use to detect mutants.

It`s also the inspiration for the name of SA social media consultancy Cerebra. "I am, after all, still a geek at heart," admits founder .

"Cerebra opened its doors in late 2006 in response to a growing need for a dedicated, specialised social media agency in the South African market. I had done a fair bit of consulting in this space and so coupled that with development capabilities to deliver on social and mobile media strategies," he adds.  Since then, Cerebra has grown from a team of one to a team of 14, and boasts some of SA`s leading brands as its customers.


At the time Cerebra was the only company in SA offering social media consulting, development and products. "We still differentiate ourselves from traditional and digital agencies that have begun to dabble in this space by being exclusively focused on social and mobile media, and our methodology of delivering value based on the communities we grow for our clients," explains Stopforth.

But, it`s by no means a highly competitive market, then or now. There is more than enough demand to keep the small group of specialist firms who work with social media sufficiently busy, he says.

Still, SA companies have been "incredibly receptive" to Cerebra`s offering. "Sometimes this is a result of them feeling like they`re obliged to get into social media  the same way as companies would`ve invested in web presences ten years ago, but mostly it`s because they see the value in engaging with online communities on new and exciting platforms."

And, the bigger corporates are more likely clients of Cerebra`s than their smaller counterparts.

Stopforth indicates that Cerebra has chosen to work with bigger brands and corporations because they have been slower to take up new technologies and marketing methods.

"Smaller businesses, with smaller marketing budgets, are often more inclined to rely on their own smarts than their agency, if they can even afford one," he points out.

Just some of Cerebra`s achievements include "some very exciting work" with Converse, Calvin Klein, Samsung Mobile, Toyota and , to name a few.  "We`re trying to create spaces online where these brands can engage with consumers in an open and transparent manner, receive feedback, and, probably most importantly, integrate social media with above-the-line spend. We are firm believers in the idea of a 360-degree approach to marketing, that is, if clients are going to spending as much as they do on marketing, regardless of whether it`s print, TV, radio, online or outdoor, then those media should complement each other," elaborates Stopforth.


When asked if SA companies are investing enough in social media, he hesitates, but eventually says: "I do believe that companies could be spending more on online, considering how measurable and powerful it can be. I think 7.5% to 10% of marketing budgets, at least, should be allocated to social and mobile media. If we lump those terms with online, I think 20% of marketing budgets could easily be allocated to these media, with spectacular results."

But what`s holding SA companies back from investing in social media? "A few things I guess: fear of the unknown; fly-by-night practitioners who promise a lot but deliver very little; and dodgy, archaic IT infrastructure being the most prominent," says Stopforth.

Yet social media are simply another way to communicate with people, "and that`s important because companies employ people and sell to people". It`s no sexier than fax or e-mail was when they arrived, and it`s also no less intimidating, he insists. Social media tools, platforms and principles are also being used behind the corporate firewall as a progressive way to help employees collaborate, connect and communicate better. "These platforms evolve into organic knowledge sharing environments, providing powerful data for multiple business units, including human resources," enthuses Stopforth.

And as for his long-term plans for Cerebra? "Staying profitable, growing the business, and keep having fun!  If that simple recipe stays intact, I`ll be very happy," says Stopforth.

Tags: Social  Media