
Despite my reservations, I recently I gave in to my teenage daughter’s nagging and allowed her to create a Facebook page for me. I’m not sure it was a good idea.

"INSANITY: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." This is a quotation most commonly associated with Albert Einstein, who may have been onto something.

AND SO the new year is well and truly upon us, and there is little doubt that many new year's resolutions have already flown out the window.

While many of us have probably committed to the usual regular gym attendance, finding a new job, or being more efficient in the next 12 months, I'm almost certain that few have given any thought to putting a bit of money away for travel.

THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC of China - the world's most populous country, with the fastest-growing major economy in the world, at present - is making some significant inroads on the African continent.

MY YEAR kicked off with the news that my cellphone contract was up for renewal, along with the opportunity to upgrade to a new handset.

Years of immersion in the ICT industry have instilled me with a geeky tendency to get over-excited about every new bit of technology on the market, so normally, the thought of a new 'phone would have me scouting for specs on the best new handsets out there.

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