
UNFORTUNATELY for my daughter, she inherited her mother's maths skills, or lack thereof. With Grade 9 exams looming and her maths marks looking dismal, I naively ventured out into the world of software to seek a bit of help for her. What I found left me under-whelmed, to say the least.

WHEN YOU'VE BEEN covering the ICT industry for a few years, it takes a lot to impress you.  You outgrow the old "shoo-wah" moments like when you discover a phone can make video calls or there's life beyond dial-up. Technology is fantastic and improving at a rate of knots. So what? It's come to be the norm.

People often ask me what I think the most vibrant sector of the local ICT industry currently is and I always like to say "telecoms". Mainly because so much is happening, and so much is yet to happen in this space that one can't help but feel some of the excitement in the air.

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